UPPAAL can be executed from the command line using the following command on unix:

uppaal [OPTION] … [FILENAME]

On windows, the following command can be used (for instance, using “Run” from the Start Menu):

java -jar \path\uppaal.jar [OPTION] … [FILENAME]

where path is the complete path to the uppaal.jar file (it might also be necessary to specify the complete path to the java executable).

The optional filename refers to a model to be loaded at startup.

The available command line options are:

--antialias on|off
(default on) turns antialiasing on or off in the automata rendering.
The name of verification server (default is server on Unix and server.exe on Windows) to be used by the GUI.
The path to the verification server (e.g. bin-Windows) to be used by the GUI.
Displays a summary of options.
Host name of remote machine running verification server.
Port number used by verification server on remote machine.
--export templateName filename.ext
Export the named template to a graphics file. The graphics format is determined by the filename extension, and EPS will be used instead if format is not recognized. Use system keyword to export all templates where the filenames will be taken from the template name.
--psColors on|off
Selects whether to export automata in color or greyscale EPS.