
To start a remote server, use the socketserver binary (included for Linux, macOS, SunOS). To use the remote server, see the section on Edit > Engine for the GUI.

The socketserver can be run from the command line on a remote machine using one of the following commands:

  socketserver [-n] [-p<P1>] [command]...
  socketserver -h
  h : Print this help screen
  n : Run in native mode
  p : Set port in server mode (default is 2350)
  d : Write communication to debug files in current directory
  m : Write communication standard out
  [commmand] : A series of argv to execute as the server command

The available command line options are:

Prints a brief description of the command line options.
Sets TCP/IP server port to listen to (default is 2350).
write the engine communication to debug files in the current directory (useful in debugging).
write the engine communication to standard output (usefull in debugging).

The socketserver runs the server from the directory where it was invoked, and acts as a proxy on TCP/IP port.