
There are 6 predefined types: int, bool, clock, chan, double and string. Array and record types can be defined over all types except string.

Type          ::= Prefix TypeId
Prefix        ::= 'urgent' | 'broadcast' | 'meta' | 'const'
TypeId        ::= ID | 'int' | 'clock' | 'chan' | 'bool' | 'double' | 'string'
               |  'int' '[' [Expression] ',' [Expression] ']'
               |  'scalar' '[' Expression ']'
               |  'struct' '{' FieldDecl (FieldDecl)* '}'
FieldDecl     ::= Type ID ArrayDecl* (',' ID ArrayDecl*)* ';'
ArrayDecl     ::= '[' [Expression] ']'
               |  '[' Type ']'

The default range of an integer is [-32768, 32767]. Any assignment out of range will cause the verification to abort.

Variables of type bool can have the values false and true, which are equivalent to the the integer values 0 and 1. Like in C, any non-zero integer value evalutes to true and 0 evaluates to false.

Channels can be declared as urgent and/or broadcast channels. See the section on synchronisations for information on urgent and broadcast channels.

Floating-point variables of the double-type behave like C-double.

Doubles values are not supported in the symbolic verification and simulation engine and are simply ignored, which can lead to unexpected results.

Variables of string type must be declared constant. The primary use of string variables is in combination with External Functions


Integers, booleans, doubles strings, and arrays and records over integers and booleans can be marked constant by prefixing the type with the keyword const.

Meta variables

Integers, booleans, doubles, and arrays and records over integers and booleans can be marked as meta variables by prefixing the type with the keyword meta.

Meta variables are stored outside of the state vector and are semantically not considered part of the state. I.e. two states that only differ in meta variables are considered to be equal.


The size of an array is specified either as an integer or as a bounded integer type or scalar set type. In the first case the array will be 0-indexed. In the latter case, the index will be of the given type. The following declares a scalar set s_t of size 3 and an integer array a of size 3 indexed by the scalar:

typedef scalar[3] s_t;
int a[s_t];

Record Variables

Record types are specified by using the struct keyword, following the C notation. For example, the record s below consist of the two fields a and b:

struct {
    int a;
    int b;
} s;


Scalars in UPPAAL are integer like elements with a limitted number of operations: Assignment and identity testing. Only scalars from the same scalar set can be compared.

The limitted number of operations means that scalars are unordered (or that all orders are equivalent in the sense that the model cannot distinguish between any of the them). UPPAAL applies symmetry reduction to any model using scalars. Symmetry reduction can lead to dramatic reductions of the state space of the model. resulting in faster verification and less memory being used.

Notice that symmetry reduction is not applied if diagnostic trace generation is enabled or when A<>, E[] or --> properties are verified.

Scalar sets are treated as types. New scalar sets are constructed with the scalar[n] type constructor, where n is an integer indicating the size of the scalar set. Scalars of different scalar sets are incomparable. Use typedef to name a scalar set such that is can be used several times, e.g.

typedef scalar[3] mySet;
mySet s;
int a[mySet];

Here mySet is a scalar set of size 3, s is a variable whos value belongs to the scalar set mySet and a is an array of integers indexed by the scalar set mySet. Thus a[s] = 2 is a valid expression.

Character Strings or Textual Type

UPPAAL supports text constants via const string type for calling External Functions and refering to file system paths.

For example:

const string text = "message";