
Functions can be declared alongside other declarations. The syntax for functions is defined by the grammar for Function:

Function        ::= [Type] [ID] '(' [Parameters] ')' Block
Block           ::= '{' LocalDeclaration* Statement* '}'
LocalDeclation  ::= TypeDeclaration | VariableDeclaration
Statement       ::= Block
                 | ';'
                 |  [Expression] ';'
                 |  ForLoop
                 |  Iteration
                 |  WhileLoop
                 |  DoWhileLoop
                 |  IfStatement
                 |  ReturnStatement

ForLoop	        ::= 'for' '(' [Expression] ';' [Expression] ';' [Expression] ')' Statement
Iteration       ::= 'for' '(' [ID] ':' [Type] ')' Statement
WhileLoop       ::= 'while' '(' [Expression] ')' Statement
DoWhile         ::= 'do' Statement 'while' '(' [Expression] ')' ';'
IfStatment      ::= 'if' '(' [Expression] ')' Statement [ 'else' Statement ]
ReturnStatement ::= 'return' [ [Expression] ] ';'

See rail road diagram for the entire Function declaration.


The declarations inside functions include only variable and type declarations. Nested function declarations and recursion are not supported.


The keyword for has two uses: the first is a C/C++/Java like for-loop, and the second is a Java like iterator or ranged-loop in C++. The second is primarily used to iterate over arrays indexed by scalars.

A statement for (ID : Type) Statement will execute Statement once for each value ID of the domain of type Type. The scope of ID is bound to the Statement, and Type must be a bounded integer or a scalar set.

See also rail road diagrams for the entire ForStatement and WhileStatement.



The following function returns the sum of two integers. The arguments are call by value.

int add(int a, int b)
    return a + b;


The following procedure swaps the values of two call-by-reference integer parameters.

void swap(int &a, int &b)
    int c = a;
    a = b;
    b = c;


The following procedure initializes an array such that each element contains its index in the array. Notice that the an array parameter is a call-by-value parameter unless an ampersand is used in the declaration. This is different from C++ syntax, where the parameter could be considered an array of references to integer.

void initialize(int& a[10])
    for (i : int[0,9])
        a[i] = i;

Special Functions

The following are the signatures of special functions which can be declared to be called on special verification events:

void __ON_CONSTRUCT__();
void __ON_DESTRUCT__();
void __ON_BEGIN__();
void __ON_END__();
Called after the system (or a process) representation is constructed when specified in global declarations (or a template local declarations respectively). Useful to initialize meta variables and external libraries.
Called before the system (or a process) representation is destroyed when specified in global declarations (or a template local declarations respectively). Useful to release resources in external libraries.
Called before a query is started. Useful to initialize variables and external libraries.
Called after a query is finished. Useful to release resources in external libraries.

One can also declare a statement to be executed before a transition is taken and after:

before_update { old_value = variable }
after_update { new_value = variable }