
Declarations are either global or local (to a template) and can contain declarations of clocks, bounded integers, channels (although local channels are useless), arrays, records, and types. The syntax is described by the grammar for Declarations:

Declarations  ::= (VariableDecl | TypeDecl | [Function] | [ChanPriority])*
VariableDecl  ::= [Type] VariableID (',' VariableID)* ';'
VariableID    ::= ID [ArrayDecl]* [ '=' Initialiser ]
Initialiser   ::= [Expression]
               |  '{' Initialiser (',' Initialiser)* '}'
TypeDecls     ::= 'typedef' Type ID ArrayDecl* (',' ID ArrayDecl*)* ';'

The global declarations may also contain at most one channel priority declaration.


const int a = 1;
constant a with value 1 of type integer.
bool b[8], c[4];
two boolean arrays b and c, with 8 and 4 elements respectively.
int[0,100] a=5;
an integer variable with the range [0, 100] initialised to 5.
int a[2][3] = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6} };
a multidimensional integer array with default range and an initialiser.
clock x, y;
two clock variables x and y.
chan d;
a channel variable.
urgent chan e;
an urgent channel variable which forces the transition to be taken as soon as it is enabled.
struct { int a; bool b; } s1 = { 2, true };
an instantiation of the structure from above where the members a and b are set to 2 and true.
meta int swap;
int a;
int b;
Update: swap = a; a = b; b = swap;
a meta variable swap is used to swap the contents of two integers a and b. The value of a meta variable is stored outside the state space (hence saves some state memory), but its value is valid only during one transition (e.g. transfering value between synchronizing processes).

Currently struct can’t contain members of type double or clock.

Type Declarations

The typedef keyword is used to name types.


The following declares a record type S containing an integer a and a boolean b members:

typedef struct
    int a;
    bool b;
} S;