Controller synthesis queries are decided using symbolic techniques over Timed Game (TIGA) automata, where the discrete actions are either controllable (controller’s actions, solid edges) or uncontrollable (environment actions, dashed edges). The result is either a strategy solving the game objective or that the strategy does not exist.
ControlQuery ::=
ControlSpecifier Goal Subjection
| CollaborativeControlSpecifier Goal Subjection
| PartialControlSpecifier Goal Subjection
| TimeEfficientGameSpecifier Goal
ControlSpecifier ::=
CollaborativeControlSpecifier ::=
'E<>' 'control:'
PartialControlSpecifier ::=
'{' List '}' 'control:'
TimeEfficientGameQuery ::=
'control_t*' '(' GameTimeLimitExpression ',' LocalGameTimeLimitExpression '):'
| 'control_t*' '(' u '):'
| 'control_t*:'
Goal ::=
'A<>' WinExpression
| 'A[' NotLoseExpression 'U' WinExpression ']'
| 'A[' NotLoseExpression 'W' WinExpression ']'
| 'A[]' NotLoseExpression
WinExpression ::= Expression
NotLoseExpression ::= Expression
GameTimeLimitExpression ::= Expression
LocalGameTimeLimitExpression ::= Expression
Subjection ::=
// empty for no subjection
| under StrategyName
See rail road diagram for the entire ControlQuery syntax.
control: E<> goal
state predicate is eventually true no matter what the oponent/environment chooses to do. The resulting strategy is deterministic in a sense that for a given state the strategy proposes one action for the player/controller (while the oponent/environment may still choose from multiple actions).control: A[] safe
state predicate is always true no matter what the opponent/environment chooses to do. The strategy is permissive in a sense that for a given state the strategy may propose multiple actions for the player/controller. Such permissive strategy can be thought of as a union of all strategies satisfying the predicate, therefore it does not have any notion of progress and may include infinite loops.A[ safe U goal ]
is reached.A[ safe W goal ]
) either a safety strategy is found or a safety strategy holds until the goal is reached.See also Strategy Queries below on how to store and query the properties of the computed strategies.