File Menu

The leftmost menu of the menu bar is the file menu. It is mainly used to open and save (part of) system descriptions or requirement specifications created in UPPAAL. The available items are:

  • New System: re-initiates the editor with an empty system.
  • Open System: loads an existing system from file. The corresponding requirement specification (i.e. same file name but with the suffix .q) is loaded into the verifier, if it exists.
  • Save System: saves the system in the editor to file.
  • Save System As: saves the system in the editor to a specified file.
  • Import Template: imports template(s) from an existing system description. A dialog window is shown which allows a subset of the available templates to be imported.
  • Export Template: exports the currently edited template in Encapsulated Postscript format to file.
  • New Queries: re-initiates the requirement specification editor with an empty file.
  • Open Queries: loads an existing set of requirement specifications from file.
  • Save Queries: saves the requirement specifications in the editor to file.
  • Save Queries As: saves the requirement specifications in the editor to a specified file name.
  • Exit: exits UPPAAL.