Edit Menu

The Edit menu offers a set of commands supported in the system editor. The items are:

  • Undo: reverses the most recent editing action. This function is only available in the editor.

  • Redo: re-applies the editing action that has most recently been reversed by the Undo action. This function is only available in the editor.

  • Cut: removes the selected text and places it in the clipboard. There must be an active text selection.

  • Copy: places a copy of the selected text in the clipboard. There must be an active text selection.

  • Paste: places text in the clipboard at the cursor location in the currently active editor. There must be text in the clipboard, and an editor must be active.

  • Delete: delete selected text. There must be an active text selection.

  • Select all: selects all text or all elements in the automaton.

  • Find: searches for the text occurances locally and globally (Control+Shift+F)

  • Replace: searches and replaces the text occurances locally and globally (Control+Shift+R)

  • Insert Template: adds a new empty template to the system description.

  • Remove Template: removes the currently selected template from the system description. There must be a template selected.

  • Engine: selects the engine to connect to:

    • Bundled is the server found in the UPPAAL installation directory (cannot be changed).
    • Remote is the sockerserver process accepting and relaying commands on a remote machine using TCP/IP protocol. See socketserver for more details on how to launch it.

    Note that the GUI and server versions must match.

  • Engines… invokes an engine connection dialog to edit the engine selection in the Engine menu. The dialog allows to customize engine connections:

    • Address and port number for the remote connection.
    • Specific engine server commands, including remote server through ssh, e.g.: ssh bigmachine uppaal/bin/server